Elevating Your Jobsite Security with New Mounting Options and Updated Features

At TrueLook, our customers are the driving force behind what we do – that’s why we’ve placed a heavy emphasis on carefully gathering and analyzing customer feedback. Your feedback helps guide our product roadmap and acts as the deciding factor in upcoming software features, camera enhancements, and overall platform usability. Our aim with each product release is to continue offering the most comprehensive feature set for the modern jobsite, giving construction professionals the features they need to better secure, document, and view their jobsites — all with easy and seamless integrations.

Here’s a look at the new product releases from last quarter:

Solar skids, the all-in-one camera mounting and power solution.

TrueLook’s Solar Skids are an all-in-one camera mounting and power station solution. They are a good fit for remote jobsites without access to power and/or jobsites where mounting a camera would be difficult – common examples include: DOT projects, plus oil and gas sites.

Designed with mobility in mind, the solar skids can be easily lifted and relocated to the desired location with a forklift, reducing deployment time and saving on cost and labor. Once the solar skid is set in its desired location, the 15’ mast can be easily raised so the camera then has the ability to capture every angle of the jobsite. Once the project is complete, the user can simply lower the mast and transport to their next project location.

Enhanced platform functionalities, including re-rendering time-lapses.

The time-lapse re-rendering functionality is an expansion of our existing time-lapse feature. It allows project managers to re-render completed time-lapses, providing a more professional look, without the pain of complex video editing tools. This functionality is easily customizable, bringing in a custom toolbar on the dashboard, allowing you to further edit and repeat the re-rendering as needed. 

New platform options, including global search and map view.

Our new global search functionality offers an easier, more efficient way to view and manage projects. We understand that one of the biggest pain points when it comes to cloud-based storage is the overload of data – after all, you don’t exactly have all the time in the world to search through physical folders, so why would you be expected to click through digital folders as well? With the new global search feature, you now have the power to search keywords to find projects, cameras, time-lapses and more.

In addition to the existing camera and project views on the dashboard, we’ve added map view as an additional feature for monitoring and checking in on your sites. Map view provides a zoomed out, comprehensive view of all your projects. To select a single site, simply click on the project pin to get a quick snapshot of specific details, default camera, and weather conditions. Clicking on the default camera’s thumbnail will take you to that camera’s live view.

Stay tuned for more new tools and tech!

Here at TrueLook, we know that innovation is one of the driving forces in construction. Our construction cameras and platform provide construction leaders and professionals the latest technology and features for ensuring the highest levels of productivity, efficiency, and security for your sites. Keep track of our latest product updates and releases by visiting the What’s New page, as well as our blog.

Interested in learning more about how we can better help you secure, document, and monitor your jobsites? Contact us – we’ll provide you with a quick, no-obligation consultation and a custom camera recommendation based on your jobsite needs.

Roger Yarrow headhsot

Roger Yarrow

Bringing over 25 years of experience in programming, computer hardware, systems administration, and web technologies from distinguished companies like IBM and Xerox, Roger enriches TrueLook with a wealth of expertise. As the CEO, Roger's role involves steering the company's strategic vision, fostering innovation, and ensuring operational excellence. As a co-founder, he is pivotal in cultivating a creative and collaborative company culture. Outside of guiding TrueLook towards success, Roger enjoys embarking on adventures with his wife and daughter, working on his mountain biking skills, and telling numerous dad jokes.

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